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Dear Bored Woman...

This post can be interpreted as a rant... and maybe it is.

But do I care? Not really.

On numerous occasions I have heard mothers who have recently found more time at home saying that they are "bored". Whether they recently quit their job or moved to part time...

I have heard the words "I just sit and watch TV while at home."

Like.... yeah.... I am REALLY puzzled by this.

Have you hired a personal chef, maid and tutor?

And now have nothing else to do now?

Whether you Stay-at-Home full time, work full time hours or just fall somewhere in-between... I just can't understand how the word BORED ends up in a the vocabulary of a woman in the midst of motherhood.


Before you read... you may be wondering why I am so bothered by these comments...

First, this comment was made directly to me by someone trying to make their new time at home seem like work for a simpleton. As if their new time at home had no meaning ... that being at home was such a waste for a person.

This was all done very condescending.

And, instead of arguing with this person, I decided to be mature about it and write this post. ( joking about the maturity part there )...

But secondly, I just really cringe when someone belittles a mother who stays at home. It's just as bad as someone criticizing a mother who works full time.

I personally have had to learn to back off with the judgment.


Have you run out of things to clean?

( If so, then head to my house... because I need help! ASAP! )

Even when everything is "picked up" there are baseboards to be wiped down, a fridge that needs to be cleaned out, a cabinet that needs to be organized, I drawer that needs extra attention. Toys that can be tossed and donated.

When is the last time you moved the sofa and cleaned underneath it?

Or moved your fridge or washing machine to mop underneath??

The cleaning does not end... and don't even get me started on laundry.

That's a never-ending job as well!

There is always something that can be tossed... organizing is key to having a well-running home. Minimizing that junk needs to happen several times throughout the year to make sure you and your family do not get overrun with crap. Donations need to be dropped off at their appropriate locations as well.


Is your dinner already made?

Sometimes is it... but, do you have meals made ahead for the busy days next week? Do you have healthy homemade lunches your husband can take with him during the work week? You you have any convenience foods you can eliminate and make at home?

What about your meal plan? Your grocery budget?

Can you make any improvements that will save your family some money?

Just a few suggestions...


Are you prepared for when your child comes home?

Do they have a healthy snack ready for when they get home?

Could you plan a fun activity for the afternoon?

Personally, I like to have an extra craft for my boys about twice a week. As wonderful as our teachers are - and Lord knows they are wonderful! -

they have a limited time with our kids and they are teaching to a group.

Parents HAVE to supplement and reinforce at home! YOU HAVE TO!

Can you call up a friend and arrange a play date for the afternoon?

Can you look to Pinterest and develop an idea for your young kiddo?

Can you perhaps prepare a fun activity that incorporates some learning?

Maybe that wonderful meal you have all planned out for this evening... can you work out a few ways your tot can help you cook? Something.... anything...?

Is everything done so you can focus on your kids after school today?

Use your time wisely so you can enjoy family time in the evenings.


Call up a friend and have coffee.

Start taking a class at the gym.

Volunteer your time locally for a good cause.

Start a blog.


Get all your errands done.


Make your own Freezer Meals.

Wipe down all your doors and door frames.

Organize your pantry.

Learn to sew.

Visit a relative.

Clean out your garage.

Clean out your closet and donate your old clothes.

Organize a garage sale of things you do not want anymore.

Prepare a meal for a family in need.


It's a tremendous blessing to a family to have a parent at home that can take care of things and help the home run more smoothly.

It is a shame to hear that someone would squander that time.


Dear BORED MOM, stuck on her couch with "nothing" to do....

You could go for a walk. You could call your grandma for a talk. You can ride your bike. You can go for a small hike. You can dust a room. You can sweep with your broom.

But whatever you do....

Quit giving Stay-at-Homers a bad rap. Mmmkay?

Because most of us with time at home, actually use it.

There's enough criticism that comes in current day being a wife and mother at home without a professional career. So, we really do not need someone deciding to talk about how bored they are at home.

Because, if we are being honest... you are not bored ...

you're just lazy.


Don't get me wrong... a love nothing more than vegging out on the sofa with the most unhealthy snack I can find to watch some trashy housewives fist fight over champagne glasses....

and heck... we ALL need that. All moms need a minute to themselves to do whatever it is that they want to do - which for me, is nothing.

Sitting and doing nothing.

BUT - get your work done. Give each day your all. Fight off the laziness that can tries to take us over most days.

Laziness can breed depression - work is good for you!

And Lord knows, to the working moms... the women that work full days, every day, and then come home and do all the things that I've had all week to do -

I do not know how you do it.

I write this because I find it extremely bothersome that a mother that has part time hours would decide to tell a mother working full time that she is "bored at home". More than likely, that working mom would love to have more time at home - to love on her children and get to fold her laundry while her kids take a nap. But here you come - bored mom - slapping her in the face by giving the impression that moms with time on their hands simply sit on the couch. That a mom at home "just has it made" with no responsibilities or tasks. That's just not true.

We are all working hard - well, obviously not Bored Mom- but the rest of us are.

If your bored at home, especially often, you're probably ignoring LOTS of things. Important things. I listed a few, but let's be real... that's a very short list in comparison to what actually needs to be done.

Wake up tomorrow and make YOURSELF a list and get it done! Laziness and boredom do not belong in MOTHERHOOD. It's fleeting ladies, soak it all in!


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