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Productive Hobbies for a Mom.

Continuously giving yourself to your family is your job as a wife and mother. You are a model of true and humble servitude here on earth.

Whether you stay at home full time, work full time or land somewhere in between - you devote yourself to your children and spouse.

As a new mother, I would get advice about trying to

"find time for myself" and all that.

yeah. um... that's a lot more difficult than I ever imagined.


Disclaimer - for those of you literally in the trenches right now with more than one child under the age of 3... I have been there.

Do not get frustrated with yourself. Your time will come again to have small moments for yourself to do for yourself. But during this time, though it feels like this is it, it's not. It flies by.

And you will miss it so much when it does pass.

But there are genuine hobbies you can take on as a full time Mom, at home with little ones. There is time. I have a few suggestions that may help some one "de-stress" a tad.

THE TIME IS THERE! You may have to delete your social media and throw a rock through your television - but the time is there to be used. And, honestly, wouldn't we all be a little better off without so much TV?

I am not an advocate for the women that dump their kids every weekend or pass them off frequently. No. And I think most of us know where the line should be with such a scenario.


1. Read.

Take a minute in the evenings and instead of cranking up the Television, take a moment and read a book you enjoy.

For myself, I went into the library, both boys in tow, and simply described to the librarian what I thought I would enjoy reading "for fun".

I explained to her that I genuinely have lost interest in reading as a hobby for many years and wanted desperately to use my brain. Pathetic sounding - I know.

But, she helped me SO MUCH. Put me on a wait list for some great reads, as well as gave me a few options to take home.

I read while I wait I'm car line to pick my little guys up from preschool. I read in the evenings instead of watching TV. I read in my rocking chair on the back porch while my boys play outside. I read at the coffee shop after I drop my boys off at school. I read with a mouse. I read in my house.

You get the picture...

There is actually time there that I wasn't utilizing well before. I find this time so relaxing and so enjoyable. This is definitely something I would encourage all moms to do. It has been truly beneficial for me personally.


2. Blog.

Who cares if your BLOG only gets read my your own mom and never makes you any money. If you enjoy it, do it.

For me, I like to think that maybe a few people have read my thoughts and I hope that maybe they have gathered a useful idea or two to implement into their own life.

But this BLOG is just a hobby of mine. I do not ignore my kids or household to write on here. I do not imagine to ever make an income from this.

I simply enjoy putting down a few thoughts here and there and I only write when I can - usually in the evenings when everyone else in the house is asleep.

Blogging can be therapeutic if you enjoy it. You might be someone who has an amazing story or testimony to share. You might be a person who wants to bear your inner most thoughts to the world. You might be hilarious and put together a truly entertaining write-up or two.

BLOGS can be free to create. So I would encourage anyone to give it a go.


3. Sew.

When I was about 10 years-old, my grandmother taught me how to cross-stitch. I enjoyed it for a year or so and then never really gave it another thought until recently.

Along with reading, trying to find myself hobbies that caused me to use my mind but also be useful, I decided to take up cross-stitching again.

Many patterns are available online for free or very little costs and then materials for cross-stitching are very inexpensive.

I simply went to the sewing aisle at Wal-Mart and found a beginners set for cross-stitching. I contains all the essentials - complete with a pattern, all necessary threads, a needles and the cloth. I got to work and slowly began developing my skills.

This, in turn, has opened the door to other interest in sewing for me. It has also become quite useful in fixing my children's stuffed animals, making throw pillows, mending clothes and altering Halloween costumes.

I find these tasks relaxing and I have really been proud of myself for developing these skills through YouTube tutorials and simple trial-and-error.


4. Exercise.

Ignore the whole "I can't make it to the gym" thoughts. Go for a walk a few times a week. Gain some mental sanity with a brisk walk around your neighborhood a few days a week.

Get out there on a Saturday morning while your spouse watches your children for 20-30 minutes.

Twenty minutes does wonders for your mind and your body.

Maybe you are not in a position to actually get yourself to the gym. Fine. Put up YouTube and do a video or two of demonstrated exercises. There are all fitness levels avaible.

If those aren't appealing, pull up a few fitness-type dance videos. Those can get your heart pumping.

Getting your blood flowing and your body moving is so important!

Sometimes there are seasons of life when you just can not get out the door to the gym. That's okay! You can still make it happen.

Use what you have! It does not have to be about time or money.

Personally, I wasted two years of my life feeling sorry for myself and let my fitness and weight go. All because I feel like the situation "wasn't ideal" so I basically pouted. Take it from someone who did it the wrong way.

Make it happen. You won't regret it!


5. Gardening

Yard work. I actually really like working in the yard. I enjoy being outside, usually the kids are playing while I get to plant new things or dig up something - I just really like it!

Now, in terms of vegetable gardening, we have done a small one each year as a learning experience for my boys. I think that learning to garden is important. However, we are yet to do a decent size garden. I do not want to give the impression that I have some killer garden that I feed my entire family with all summer long. No.

Maybe it is just getting outside to mow the grass by yourself. I have a friend that thoroughly enjoys getting outside to mow the grass and pull weeds while her husband tends to the kids inside the house.

Whatever the case may be - planting flowers, growing veggies, trimming the shrubs - it is a productive hobby! Plus, your yard will look amazing and you'll burn some calories at the same time. Win-win!


For those sitting reading this saying to themselves that they just simply do not have time for a single one of these items.... you are more than likely mistaken.

Do you spend loads of time on Social Media???

You can place an app on your phone that keeps track of how much time your spend on various social media outlets. It is worth downloading to really see how much time you waste creeping on other people.

How much time do you spend watching TV??

Be aware of your time. Plan your days accordingly - get your housework done, play with your babies, plan your meals... do all those things... and avoid the big time wasters in your life!!!

Quit those. Fill that wasted time with a hobby that something else; hopefully you choose something productive and enjoyable for yourself as a Mom.


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