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Attitude Adjustments.

When my oldest son was born I REALLY struggled with the housework. Being new to being a mother and a homemaker I just felt overwhelmed. I also felt like some how I was being cheated - as if my life and my options were over.


And, being at home wasn't full day trips to Target and long hours at the coffee shop. It wasn't easy. It wasn't anything like I pictured.

Life with two toddlers at home full-time can still be over-whelming; most days are better than not, but still it's a never ending cycle. Quite honestly, it feels like Ground Dog Day 98% of the time.

Something had to change.

My attitude.


The conversation with myself went a little something like....

You are in the your Pajamas, at 10 AM, playing on the living room floor with your kids. Your coffee may be cold and you might need a shower, but how awesome is life right now?!

They are growing every second - you can look back with regret or you can look back knowing you did your best.



If you are a stay at home Mom right now - you should be over the moon! You are with your kids! Not missing milestones and getting to kiss away all the boo-boos.

Quit acting like a victim!

I know I did. I acted like I had the hardest job in the world and everyone around me just got to go do what they wanted while I was wiping poopy-butts and wearing spit-up stained shirts. Because I was - that was reality at the time. But, I refused to see the joy in my situation. That's an issue of the heart.

Lack of contentment.

Not seeing my blessings (as they puked on me and pulled everything out of the cabinets).

That was MY PROBLEM - no one else. Who had to fix it ---> Me.

My attitude.

I turned to YouTube (of all places) and found several videos about the importance of a servant's heart as a wife and mother. Your life is devoted to God and then to your family. Sweeping the floor after breakfast is an act of service. Preparing a healthy dinner for your family is an act of service. Making sure everyone has clean clothes is an act of service.

Service is humbling.

It is all an act of love.

I didn't see it for the longest time.

But now, thankfully I do.

Changing my attitude literally changed everything. I got on track with a cleaning routine and followed through. I did this because I finally saw the importance in my role. I got a track to tot-school my kids at home. I did this because I saw the opportunity I had to teach them during my time at home. I developed a meal plan to save money and make healthy meals. I did this because I saw the importance of my contribution to our finances and health. It truly changed my world - which ultimately changed our home.

The wife and mother sets the tone for the home. It can be darkness and gloom. It can be happiness and organization. It can be pure chaos. Depends on you. You decide.

I have two little guys depending on my to keep their life in order right now. I take it more serious now than ever.

So, before you mumble and whine about the long hours of being a stay-at-home Mom, think about the single mother that will probably never have the chance to stay home like you do. Think of the sacrifice your spouse makes to keep you at home full time. Think about how different your kids' lives would be if they were not at home.

Think about how awesome it is the BE THERE.

Contentment - Service - Love



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