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Why I am NOT buying Back-to-School Clothes.

Tax-free weekend.

Yeah, I'll pass.

It was 91 degrees today here in South Carolina. Parents everywhere pushed through the malls and outlets to buy sweaters, jeans and heavy jackets for their kids.


Today I looked through the items hanging in my toddlers' closets and decided that they have plenty of clothes. Plenty.

Will they get new things? Yup.

Didn't they outgrow things since last school year? Some of it, sure.

How many times have you gone shopping and bought LOADS of kid's clothes as the season turns... and then, when it changed again, saw lots of things unworn with the tags still on them? I definitely have.

I have over-bought. Too many times. Even when I thought I was saving my family so much money because I was buying consignment sale items. Nope.

A couple times, the season changed they I either bought too big a size, anticipating more grown than actually took place. Or, by the time the season finally changed, the clothes I purchased were too small!

For these reasons, I have completely changed how I shop for my kids' clothes when the seasons change....


Money wasted is money wasted.


Money spent on an item that was never worn - total waste!


Will the weather be warm next month when my kids go back to school? You better believe it. So, why on earth would I run out and get them 5 pairs of jeans and 15 sweaters?

Perhaps, when the weather changes (like, for real changes) I will begin to sift through the consignment shops and yard sales and see what I can find.

I have mentioned this fact before, but I will say it again - the fashion industry in the US has broken clothing "seasons" into 52 different seasons. That is a different season for every WEEK of our calendar year. So, the clothing industry aims to make you feel as though you need new clothes - every - single - week. Kid's clothes are no exception.

Be smarter than that.


1. Take inventory of what your children already have. Lay them out. Make sure there are pairs and items that actually match.

2. Have your kids try items on to make sure they indeed fit. Items that do not fit, pass along or put away for the younger ones.

3. Not using them anymore? Sell! Facebook, Craigslist, consignment shops or local sales. Or donate. Give to a local place that you know gives to those in need. A few nicer items for church and school pictures. Some 'play clothes' that can get really messy.

4. They do not need a new outfit for every day of the school year. My rule - 4 weeks worth of school clothes. At the Preschool age, this works. So, my boys attend school 3 days a week... this equates to 12 days/outfits. By the time the seasons change around here, they have worn each outfit about 3-4 times to school. These outfits are also worn on non-school days and sometimes to church, depending on the outfit itself. And, to be honest, you could really do with less if you wanted.

5. Do not feel guilty! Clothes do not make the person! If your children have clean, neat and well-fitting clothes - you are a great parent! Having a closet FULL of closet that they can not even wear does not make them feel loved. A financially fit family is one of the best things you can give your children; going into debt to buy your kids lots of unnecessary things only hurts a family.

6. As always - BE SMART!!!

Use common sense!

Can I afford this?

Do we need this?


As the need comes we will purchase clothing. When the weather changes I will definitely have to go buy my oldest some jeans. We have already gone through the process of trying on clothes and realized that most of his pants are way too short. BUT! Instead of rushing out the buy tons of pants that may not even fit in 4 months when it gets cool here, I will wait to buy pants as needed. For me, this has saved us lots.

Again, resist the urge to buy tons at one time!

Focus on what is actually a need - buy as needed.


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