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Fun at Home on the Cheap.

There are days that you have no where to go. If you are anything like me, that might be your preference. The less running around I need to do the better. I am all for a outing with my little guys here and there, but most of the time I like to be home.

We like to tell people we are "busy", and for some reason that is idolized.

I prefer for time to be slow and for my babies to grow up even slower.

There are seasons of life when you need to stay home. Maybe you are trying to avoid spending money; no better way to save money than to stay home. Maybe one of your cars is in the shop and your spouse has the other. Maybe the weather is bad. Maybe you just didn't want to wash your hair....

... whatever it is, a stay at home mom goes through periods of time without leaving the house.

First, do not tell yourself that you are "stuck". You are fortunate to be at home with your kids all day - there are women all over the world that would give their left arm to be able to stay home with their children, so let's all have a better attitude about it - shall we?

Secondly, you have to learn tricks of the trade when keeping the little minds and bodies active and entertained. It does not have to cost a lot to keep your kids happy while at home. It takes patience, creativity - and usually some Pinterest thrown in.


Here at 10 ideas to kick boredom in the butt while at home with young tots that are either cheap or entirely FREE:

1. Paper Play:

Color. Sit down with the kids and color. If you do not have coloring pages you can print some off of the computer. If you can not use either of those options try to draw things for the kids to color [stick figures, their name, a house, animals]. Even then, if none of that works, have them color plain pages. Make paper airplanes. My boys LOVE for me to fold up paper airplanes for them to run around the house with. Actually, make anything you want. My oldest got creative and talked me into helping him make "kites" out of notebook paper and some string from the garage. They loved it.

2. Water Play

Tub Time: put those kiddos in the bathtub with some bubbles and fun toys.

I have done this on a few afternoon that I felt like I was losing my mind - just being honest. It bought me about 10 minutes of contained kids having fun while I got to sit and find my patience again.

I have put a few drops of food coloring in the water to make it a little more fun and it is always a hit.

Fill the kitchen sink up and let the kids play as they would with a "water table" outside. Just give them safe kitchen utensils to play with and probably a stool or chair to stand on.

A plastic baby pool is always a hit with my kids and their friends that visit - our plastic pool from Wally World has been awesome during these hot summer days here in South Carolina. We were also gifted a water table and it has gotten a lot of use these past couple years. If your are going to spend lots of time at home during the summer months I would definitely say the plastic pool is worth the investment!

3. Bake Together:

My little guys LOVE to help me in the kitchen, and I think most kids usually do. Homemade bread is something easy for toddlers to help make. We have done this several times and it usually goes over pretty well. Just be selective about the products you allow them to use - the mess can get out of control real quick. But this can be done without a huge mess. It is also a great life skill for a child. Homemade Play-doh is also great for tots to make and then get to play with.

4. Living Room Forts:

Pull out the blankets, comforters, quilts and couch cushions - make a massive indoor fort! We do this all the time, especially on rainy days when we are stuck inside. It provides lots of entertainment as well as an outlet for all that energy that little kids come with. Best part - you already have everything you need and it requires no prior planning.

5. Picnics:

Outdoor or indoor. These can be so exciting for little people. Rainy days call for a blanket spread out on the living room floor with lunch served on paper plates. Beautiful fall days call for a blanket in the yard with all the best snacks. Gives you time with your babies to sit with no distractions - like the TV - and talk about what is going on in their little world.

This picture is from an impromptu picnic we went on. We live in an area surrounded by land that allows for moments like these. If you do not, it's okay! Sit on the patio, the front porch, the apartment balcony - be creative and have fun!

6. Popcorn & Movie:

We've all been there - sit in front of this television and be quiet - moments. It's fine! We have ALL been there! Just make it more fun than that. Let the kiddos pick a movie and make a small snack. Everyone sit down, chill out and watch together. If you pick something they like it will probably buy you a few moments of peace.

7. Treasure Hunt:

Indoor or Outdoor. I like to use my cheap costume jewelry as the "treasure". Lately my kids want me to draw them a map to fine the treasure. They have such a blast playing this "hide & seek" type game with the treasure that I have hidden in the house. They bring their findings to me, I hide it again and the game starts over. On a typical day, I run out of hiding spots before they get tired of finding the treasure.

8. Dress Up:

We keep all Halloween costumes as well as random costume type articles from either thrifting or the Dollar Store. When boredom sets in we break out a few costumes and let their imaginations go. It is amazing what a few hats and goofy glasses can do when a child is acting out imaginary play. This does not have to be expensive - a few of mom or dad's hats, cheap costume jewelry, scarves and gloves will do the trick. You could even make silly hats from paper to wear! Or perhaps a pasta strainer, as pictured.

9. Dance Party:

Keep a playlist or blast some YouTube music videos with some music that will get your kids dancing around. Get those wiggles out and Mommy can burn a few calories too. It's a win-win! Lately we have had to Trolls soundtrack playing when we are inside and when we play outside - the boys can not get enough of it right now.

10. Painter's Tape:

Any type of tape will do, but painter's tape is my preference because it is made to not ruin your walls or wood floors. There are so many random activities you can do with tape at home. For example, I use tape to make "race tracks" through the living room and down the hallway. My boys LOVE to race their cars around the room on these tracks. We have also made a Hop-Scotch pattern on the floor and jumped around on it. You could even make a game of Twister by taping down different colors of construction paper. You would be amazed by the possibilities!


Use your imagination, be creative and have fun with those kids! This is such a short season of life - make the most of it, build memories and keep those little minds active. Try not to JUST use media to get through the summer months. I hope these ideas help anyone you may be struggling to keep the kids entertained while everyone is at home together.


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