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Christmas in July continued.

I had a few questions about my post on budgeting for Christmas as early as the spring and summer before -

Instead of writing another post to further explain, I went out on a limb and made a video.

WARNING: I am not tech-savvy and I certainly did not plan to make videos when I started this blog. So, as you will see, my video is just BLEH.

But, it explains my thoughts a little further about budgeting for the holidays and the importance of remembering what the season is really about. Hopefully it clears things up on a few of the points from my previous post.

My heart's desire is that this helps anyone who feels overwhelmed when November rolls around or has really struggled with over-spending during the holidays.

But... anyways... here she is!

If you enjoy this video, because take a minute and subscribe to my channel. :)


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