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Christmas in July.

I have my Christmas shopping done.

Pretty much.

I always have my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving... and I do it without stress or spending lots of money.

Want to know how?


1. I know my kids' interests.

It is so much easier to shop for your kids when you know their interests. I know their favorite superheroes and their latest budding interests. I zone in on a few of their interest and make gift purchases based on those. For example, I always get them a few books - my oldest son is currently obsessed with space, dinosaurs and any motor vehicle [ just like every other 4 year old boy in America ]. He will be getting books on all of those topics. Easy.


2. I make a hand written list.

This is a very general list that is basically an outline for my shopping. Like I mentioned, I always like to get books for my boys, so "books" goes on the list. They both typically get an outfit, so that also gets written down. I know that they both want two specific action figures, so those are written down.

This list also includes the grandparent gifts that we plan to give. I like for my boys to make items for all of their grandparents, so the gift I have on mind gets written down as well as the materials I will need to purchase.

TIP: I make a "secret board' on Pinterest and collect ideas throughout the year for gifts. It is great to already have ideas going as well as links to items you may want to purchase. I have found this extremely helpful for all the adults in my life that I buy for - grandparents, teachers' gifts, siblings and my husband.


2. I shop around for the best prices.

This is easier than one would think. I get online and compare the items based on Amazon and Walmart. Between these two you can get almost anything. Example, I found two similar Duplo LEGO sets that I know both of my boys will love. I looked at each item on a few sites and found that the best price was at Walmart. Easy enough.


3. I start a CART.

I have an on-going Cart online with both my Amazon and Walmart accounts. I fill each cart with the item that was best priced under the SAVE FOR LATER. You can also do those of other sites like Etsy, just make sure you order with enough time for personalized and handmade items to be delivered before Christmas.


4. I tally it all up.

My children as both boys and close in age. I like to make sure they both has similar gifts, the same number of gifts and the same amount was spent fairly on both boys. I also want to make sure I am being reasonable with the amount that I am spending on Christmas as a whole. I love Christmas and I really love giving, but I also recognize the reason of the season is not debt.

Know what you can spend, have a plan and stick with it. This will keep Christmas from becoming stressful and won't leave opening credit card bills in January. This is also a huge benefit of purchasing online with a list instead of just running through the store and grabbing things last minute. You can be reasonable and have a method to the madness; your gifts can be more meaningful when you had time to think about them instead of feeling rushed to make a purchase.


5. Work a CHRISTMAS item into your monthly budget.

Plan each month to go into the CARTS you saved and start purchasing the gifts little by little. For example, I went in this month and purchased two sets of the Duplo LEGOS I had saved. It costs me $32. With Walmart, shipping to your home is free after $35, so I opted to have them sent to the store. I can pick them up one weekend with the kids and put them away. Little by little I will have purchased all of Christmas without having blown a large amount of money at one time. This spreads out the money spent over several months. Next month I will buy another set of gifts for my boys and by November they will all be put away and ready for Christmas morning.

Some people save a little each month for Christmas gifts. I have used this method before but found myself spending too much because I felt rushed to make decisions because of the time crunch to get it all done. The method I am describing allows me to make decisions, shop for the best price, and change things up along the way if I need to.

With about $50 a month worked into your home budget you can purchase Christmas ahead of time.

Have a gift that costs more than $50? Combine more than a few months to make the purchase. Have an expensive gift planned for Christmas morning? The month you plan to make the big purchase, cut back in other areas to keep the purchase from really affecting your home budget. Maybe spend a minimal amount on groceries that month and instead use what you have at home. Be creative.


6. I put the gifts away.

DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT give the gifts to your children early. It seems like it should go without saying, but it gets hard to not want to give them their gifts and see the looks on their faces. Christmas is exciting for a parent!

I have a secret closet in our home with a big brown ordinary moving box on top. The box is there all year long. This is where everything goes. I keep my list inside and check things off as I go. Make sure everyone is accounted for before Thanksgiving.

Not being prepared is the quickest way to overspend.


Above all, the best advice I can give you about Christmas is to understand that the amount of money spent can not equate to how much you love someone. It truly is the thought and the time spent and not how much money you were able to spend. The best gift you can give your children is financial security and peace as a family. There is NEVER a reason for over-spending and going into debt during the holidays. EVER. Take your time, make a plan, stick to your budget and enjoy the time with your family.


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