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Overwhelmed by the Date Night.

When is the last time you did something small and meaningful for your husband?

Think about it....

If you have been married a while, have a couple kids and bills and work and a house and in-laws and all that other fun stuff...

...then maybe it has been a while.

There isn't room in the budget to do anything for one another.

There isn't enough time.

I can not find a babysitter I trust.

He hasn't done anything for ME recently.

Sound familiar?

Listen ladies... did you know that this whole "date night" thing is kinda a new trend. Not saying it's a bad thing, but most couples of the past never really had such a thing, and if they did, it was RARE. Super rare.

You do not need to blow lots of time and money to do something meaningful for your husband. Have you taken the time to find out his Love Language? If not, you should.

Pinterest has TONS of awesome stay-in-date-night options. I used to think this idea was so dumb; I even felt dumb for bringing it up to my husband a couple years ago. I decided we needed a date but couldn't get a sitter. BUT, it actually turned out awesome...


I wrote down random conversation starters and questions -

some I thought of and some I got offline. Examples...

If you won $1,000,000 what would you do with it?

If you could move to any place where would you go?

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

What is your favorite childhood memory?

I cut all the questions into small strips and put them in one of the kids' plastic buckets. We sat out on our front porch swing with a couple drinks and had a great time just reconnecting. It felt like old times.... you know... when you just started dating and just could not get enough of talking to one another, no matter where you were.

All it really takes is some effort and some creativity

[ and if you aren't super creative, Pinterest is always there. ]


Your marriage is important. Make it a priority. We all struggle and marriage is hard work. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Sorry, but it's true. Your greatest defense against these hard times is to keep communicate alive.

Even in the most strained marriages, the smallest kind gesture can turn things back in the right direction. Send a short text to your husband midday saying you appreciate his work ethic. Do you know what that means to a man? To say you appreciate him. IT'S HUGE! Maybe preparing his absolute favorite meal for dinner tomorrow night. Running that errand that has been weighing on him for days. So many small things that matter so much - and they won't cost you a thing. Even on the smallest budget, you can make your husband feel like a million bucks.

I hope this encourages anyone who has felt the need for time with their spouse but has felt overwhelmed by the hoops that have to be jumped through for a night out. Be creative. Make it simple. Have fun.


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